Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Peter Hedges - "The Heights"

I have a little baby book club that I created this past fall. I have a whopping 4 people in it. Which is better than 0. The book that was picked for this month was The Heights by Peter Hedges. I would like to say before I go into the review that I have been in a book funk. This is the first book I have finished in three weeks.

A history teacher and his wife find themselves at fault with each other when a new neighbor moves in. This is it. This is all that goes on in this book. You meet the couple, a woman moves in next to them and they start fighting. I was waiting for something awesome to happen like the woman tries to break them up. Nothing. I got nothing.

I read this book waiting. I am still waiting. Hopefully some of the people in my group can make it seem more exciting. I am thinking it is my book funk. I need excitement.

Honestly, I can't say if I liked this book or not. I feel that my funk it ruining things. Damn you funk!!!! So to make things fair, I will come back to this book when I am out of my funk and review it again. Yes, I am making you wait. Now you know how I feel!! Muahahahahahahahahahahha!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Patricia MacDonald- "Secret Admirer"

This is the second Patricia MacDonald novel I have read. I can honestly say that she has become one of my favorite authors. Both times I have been racing to get done with the book. Not because it is bad, but because the story is so awesome I wanted to know what happens.

Laura Reed's husband is murdered during a supposed robbery. She is soon suspected and she is trapped in the town labeled as a murdering widower. One day she meets a man named Ian Turner and soon marries him. After that secrets get exposed and all hell breaks loose.

This book was awesome. I couldn't put it down. I wanted to know who did it and as soon as I thought I had it solved, things changed. I had my suspicions as to who it could be, but it kept me guessing. I seriously recommend this book. It was the bee's knees, the cat's pajamas, the elephant's golden tusk. It was a slice of fried gold.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Anne McAllister-"The Cowboy's Christmas Miracle"

"Why all the Christmas books skankface?" One reason and one reason only. Harlequin gave me 3. The last one my aunt has, thank God. It looked dreadful. These two I rolled my eyes as I picked them up thinking I was going to pitch them at the wall when I got finished. However, I was pleasantly surprised by both.

In this Christmas special, Deke Malone finds out that he has a two year old son. That same year he decides to bring his son to his family for Thanksgiving in Montana. While there, his estranged father has a heart attack and Deke finds himself staying at the house of his long lost best friend, Erin Jones. While there he falls in love and debates leaving.

The title honestly gives a wrong impression in my opinion. There really wasn't a miracle that took place in the book. Also, the name Deke is really stupid sounding. I hated it throughout the whole book. I cringed every time my eyes scrolled past it. Having said that, this was a cute book. It kept my attention and was easy to read. Nothing ground breaking, but I enjoyed reading it all the way through. That is saying a lot. Even the sex scene wasn't too corny. All in all it gets a 4 out of 5 stars. Which means absolutely nothing.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Robyn Carr- "My Kind of Christmas"

I love the holidays. The decorations and songs. All the time you get to spend with your family. Not to mention the snow. It doesn't snow down here, but I use my imagination sometimes. This was the first Christmas themed book I have ever read, and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it.

This is part of a series of books taking place in a small community called Virgin River. A young woman named Angie goes to her Uncle's cabin for some much needed rest from her demanding mother. While there she meets a Navy pilot by the name of Patrick. Sparks fly and they realize that they are going through similar challenges in their lives. As the spend more and more time together, the fact that it is just a fling gets blurred.

I actually enjoyed this book a lot. I fell in love with the small mountain location, as well as the lovable characters. I wanted Angie and Patrick to make it. It kept me enthralled the whole time. Yes, it did have corny sex scenes but they can be skimmed over. All in all it was a nice little holiday read.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Mitzi Kelly "Classic Revenge"

I always say I have an old soul. I can easily get along with my 87 year old grandmother. I can relate to her. Don't ask me how. It has just always been that way. Anything that has to do with old people, I automatically know I will love it.

That is the case with this book. A trio of old women, one being 80, try and solve a case involving their friend's murder. This whole book was awesome. At one time a can of Raid gets mistaken for hairspray. I literally laughed out loud. There are tons of moments like this.

I have not found a WorldWide Mystery novel from Harlequin that I haven't liked. They are always fun and quirky. I give this 10 out of 10 bingo cards.

Here is my nanny. She is sassy. Moo Moo loves her.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

J.T. Ellison "Edge of Black"

By reading the blurb of this book, I knew it was going to be good. By the end I came to a conclusion about Harlequin's blurbs. They always get details about the books wrong. You expect something to happen in the book and it never does! It is very frustrating.

Other than that this was a good book. A pathologist, Dr. Samantha Owens, gets sucked into a terrorist plot that somehow involves her mountaineer significant other. Together they try an figure out who is behind the plot.

I really don't want to give anything away because it really is exciting to read and be swept in the story. The more you know about it the less thrilling it becomes. I am happy with this book because it kept me enthralled the whole time. It defiantly is a rare Harlequin good read.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Taunna Daniels- "Everlasting Love"

I remember how I used to read books like this one and think there is no way you could fall in love with someone in a matter if days. Now that I am with my fiancé, I think differently. Having said that, this book still has a lot of setbacks to it.

In Everlasting Love, Brooklyn, a heath inspector, goes to an old apartment complex for a regular inspection. What she finds there instead is a handsome tenant by the name of Shane. They end up falling for one another and Brooklyn is found in a tough situation and tries to save the building. While all this is happening, she finds out that she is pregnant with her boyfriend's baby and he doesn't want her to keep it.

This all sounds like it would be an enthralling story with conflicts that will suck you into the book. It doesn't. There is nothing that sucks you into the book. It is so bland, which with a story line line it has, it is hard to believe that it can accomplish such blandness. I had high hopes for this book, and it got shot down to reality as I reached half way through.

If you would like to check this book out, you can do so here

I received a complimentary copy of Everlasting Love as a member of the Dorrance Publishing Book Review Team. Visit dorrancebookstore.com
to learn how you can become a member of the Book Review Team.